Complete Guide To Implement Headless WordPress Using React!

Headless WordPress Using React


In earlier times building up a website seems to be a daunting task. But not anymore. After the introduction of WordPress building up a website becomes so much easier. As a result, it become a household name for users around.The major reason behind choosing this is its code less functionality. Now there is no need for users to learn so much coding when they wish to develop a website.

What is headless WordPress?

Before we know more about it, first of all, do know about Headless WordPress. Basically, it separates the backend admin area from the front end. This is specifically true for visitors who are seeing the website. Furthermore, it allows developers to use the technologies that help them to work on the front-end part of the website and there will be no impact on the stability and security of the website.

Important Features of Headless WordPress:

Some important features that are a must to know with headless WordPress are as follows:

  • It allows developers to work on several portals with the same data available to them in the phase cycle. In simple words, it becomes quite easier for developers to work on different portals without compromising the active presence of the website.
  • Headless WordPress allows developers to make changes in the content as many times as they want on the same portal and the changes will get reflected on the respective portals the content is available.
  • The best part is, with headless WordPress developers will be able to save time in various ways. The content in it is available on APIs and there will be no need for developers to put the effort again into designing and developing the web pages needed.
  • When it is to the scalability of the project, one cannot ignore, headless WordPress. It allows businesses to have scalable projects with the right framework without any need to impact the CMS. Furthermore, there is an option with developers where they can adjust the demands of the project as needed.

The role played by ReactJs in headless architecture:

After knowing the important features, it is time for you to know the role played by ReactJS in headless architecture. As we all know, ReactJs is helpful in building up the user interface of websites and applications. Likewise, it is helpful while considering headless WordPress.

React .JS Development Services provider do not wish to leave any room for non-interactive user interfaces and being the largest JavaScript library React has a lot to offer to the developers around.

Reasons ReactJs and Headless WordPress are in demand:

Now as you know ReactJS is helpful in building up user-friendly interfaces, there are some other reasons as well which ReactJs and Headless WordPress are in demand together:

JavaScript- Future of WordPress:

As we all know, JavaScript is in use in writing the admin structure of WordPress. This clearly indicates the dependency of WordPress on JavaScript. So yes, it is right to conclude that combining these is helpful in getting a promising future.

Splitting with Efficiency:

It is important that the technologies that have been considered as backend and frontend split proficiently. With ReactJs and WordPress combination, the splitting becomes quite easy and any transformation can be considered.

Multiple-platform Support:

There is no need for a developer to draft applications separately for different portals. This is so because the ReactJS and Headless architecture allow developers to launch responsive applications on multiple platforms and devices.

Improved Security:

In 2023 and in the upcoming times as well one cannot compromise with security and thankfully this combo is offering a shield of security to all the users around along with maintaining the user interface.

How to use Headless WordPress with ReactJS?

After knowing about certain things regarding ReactJS and headless WordPress, this is the time for you to know about the steps that are helpful in implementing Headless WordPress with React Js. These are as follows:

Step 1: Create a WordPress website:

The primary step that is needed to follow is to create a WordPress Website. The same can do in the following these few steps:

  • The first step needed to follow is installing WordPress on your device.
  • You just need to download and install it on the local server or web server.
  • This will allow you to have access to all the files of the frontend and backend.

Step 2: Setting up React for the project:

After creating the WordPress website, this is the time for you to set up React for the project. For setting it up, a text editor is required. Users can choose any of the text editors like NodeJs, Visual Studio Code, NPM, and so on.

After getting the text editor, launch the React WordPress project with the help of the command line.

Step 3: Post-data rendering:

In the third step, there is a need to render the data on ReactJs. You will be able to do it with the help of the REST API of WordPress. This can be done by integrating a specific code helpful in accessing the REST API endpoint and further on it displaying the JSON Post data.

Step 4: Display post-data on ReactJS:

This is the last step where developers need to check out the entire dataset and set it up in the parent components. This is totally on them. If they wish they can build up a new one. When the developers are done making the alterations in the rendering method, they are all set to build it up further.

Optimization of headless WordPress:

Optimization plays an integral role when one is looking forward to moving ahead with a headless WordPress site. As we all know this is already favoring flexibility and reusability. But this is not enough in order to optimize the same. For the sake of optimization, the tips that are in need to follow include:

Use the caching plugins:

The caching plugins are a great way to optimize the headless WordPress site. This is helpful in reducing load times and improving the performance of the website as well.

Consider using a simple MySQL and PHP stack:

These both are helpful in converting the website into a lightweight one and as a result, it turns out to be a high-performing solution.

Use CDN:

CDN or content delivery system is also helpful in optimizing the headless WordPress site. This is helpful in minimizing the latency on the site.

Image optimization:

Among all the optimization tips, how can we forget to consider image optimization? With the help of a compression tool, the images can be optimized and these can be used accordingly. The optimization of the image has a direct impact on the load time of the website.


Overall, it is right to conclude, using headless WordPress is beneficial in several ways. When the combo ReatJs and headless WordPress are in use simultaneously there are some other benefits available. Both are based on Java and JavaScript, and this made it the best one to consider. If you are someone who is looking forward to getting it for your project, reach the best WordPress Development Services provider around and seek the services right away. For sure after seeking the services from the best ones you will be able to get your project needs to be catered to!

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