If you don’t take precautions, asthma attacks can be dangerous and frightening. To avoid any breathing problems, prevention is key. Recognizing the symptoms is half of managing asthma.
What is an Asthma Attack?
When an allergic reaction causes inflammation or swelling of the airways, it is called an asthma attack. To combat swelling, allergens can cause your muscles around the airways to produce more mucus.
Asthma attacks can be characterized by symptoms such as wheezing and coughing. This condition can be caused by allergens such as pollen, dust mites, mold, and fur. People who live in areas where there are high levels of pollutants should be proactive about prevention. If you have had asthma attacks in the past and are looking for a reliable treatment, Kathryn Edwards MD can help.
You can either treat your asthma at home, or you can seek expert help depending on how severe it is. How quickly you treat the symptoms will determine how severe your attack is. You can reduce your risk of experiencing severe discomfort and avoid any danger by catching an attack early.
Preventing illness is possible by being aware of your surroundings and your medical options. These are some simple tips to keep your breathing healthy.
Identify your specific Asthma Triggers
You can identify some asthma triggers purely by your own experiences. You should note if you have difficulty breathing in humid or dry air. These environments can also cause breathing problems if you are doing physical training.
This is true even for pets with allergies to certain foods or pet allergies. You can identify the trigger by paying attention to what causes you to have asthma attacks. An allergist will be able to run tests that pinpoint triggers and provide you with the best prevention and treatment options.
Avoid Allergens
This tip may seem obvious but it can be difficult to avoid certain environments.
Sometimes, your job or other obligations may require you to be exposed to irritants. Avoid pollen if you are allergic. You can keep your skin clear by avoiding certain perfumes, industrial chemicals such as paint, and cleaning agents.
Cold and Flu Prevention is Important
Common colds and seasonal flu can be caused by bacterial and viral particles in your body. These conditions can be avoided by washing your hands with soap regularly and making an effort to keep your hands from touching your face.
Be aware of those around you. Keep a safe distance if they have flu symptoms.
You can fight colds by strengthening your immune system with zinc and vitamin C. To meet your daily vitamin D needs, try to get at least 20 minutes of sun exposure each day. You can prevent asthma attacks by reducing your chance of getting sick.
Avoid smoking and air pollution
Try to get your smoker friend to quit smoking if they live with you. You shouldn’t have any trouble avoiding second-hand smoke in public places. Your breathing can be affected by pollution from automobiles and industrial sources.
Air purifiers and HVAC system filters can be replaced to maintain high air quality. Your car’s filters should be cleaned as well. Make sure they are clean to reduce your exposure to outside air pollutants.
Preventive measures for your home
There are several things you can do to keep your home comfortable, aside from changing your air filters. First, seal any air leaks. Even the smallest cracks can allow allergens into your home, which can cause asthma attacks. Verify that no cracks exist between different building materials.
Also, make sure that dust and pollen are not allowed to get in through the gaps under your doors. You can place a piece of printer paper on your door and windows. The space is too large if you are able to pull it out easily. To minimize open spaces, adjust the hinges.
Your home’s air ducts should be kept clean. These areas can be a breeding ground for asthma triggers and can allow them to enter your home whenever your furnace or AC is turned on.
Take into consideration Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy can be used to treat asthma. A specialist will introduce allergens into your body. This treatment is intended to trigger a reaction in your body. Your immune system should be able to recognize allergens, and then deal with them more gently and decisively. Ask your allergist about immunotherapy and how it can help with chronic asthma.
Asthma Medication
To prevent asthma attacks, your doctor may prescribe medication. Even if you don’t feel any symptoms, taking asthma medication can help prevent an allergic reaction. If you have side effects due to your medication, tell your doctor. There are many treatment options that you have the option to switch to.
Talk to an allergist
Fear is cured by knowledge. Asthma sufferers may be cautious about their freedom to live life. Talking to a specialist is the best way to relieve any anxiety associated with asthma.
Dr. Kathryn Edwards, an allergist who is highly qualified, can give you peace of mind. Call Penn Medicine Becker ENT & Allergy today at 609-436-5744. You can also contact us online by filling out the contact form. Our staff will respond promptly. We are eager to help you with your asthma attacks or other breathing problems.